Ryan Street Community Garden partners with Ryan Center : Early Head Start and Preschool

RSCG volunteers helped Ryan Center preschoolers start seedlings indoors this spring. The preschoolers learned all about what plants need to grow.

Seedlings grown at Ryan Center including peppers, tomatoes, basil, and broccoli. 

Squash seedlings.

Already established strawberry plants.

RSCG volunteers prepared the Ryan Center raised bed and returned to help preschool gardeners transplant seedlings, plant seeds, and water all the new plantings.
Planting beet seeds. 

Ryan Center gardener watering basil plants.


Special thanks to the lead teacher Jaime Gariepy and the other Ryan Center teachers for supporting this project.

Cleaning up the house

The house
There is a house next to the garden and we now have acquired it for garden related activities.This past Saturday a bunch of us cleaned it up. It sat all winter and has been empty for some time so it needed a good cleaning.

It was hours of window washing, vacuuming, sweeping, scrubbing and mopping but in the end it is sparkling clean. There are still some things that need to be done but it is officially functional as a gathering place.

Thanks all for the hard work everyone. 

Sometimes cleaning is fun

Mandy and Beth working hard on the kitchen

Washing windows.